About Me

Hello and Welcome,

If you’re viewing this page you’re probably curious who I am, why I’m doing this, or perhaps where I’m located.


So, A bit about me: my roots are in architecture.  I spent the good part of my younger life learning the ins and outs of the profession and then as many more practicing.  At first it was great!  Then the long hours at a desk and dealing with the endless government regulations began to burn me out.  I was ready for change.  At the time I had two beautiful dogs that were the love of my life.  What I wanted most was to spend as much time as possible with them. . .  Aha!  I have and idea!  I’ll work from home, I’ll be my own boss!  Now I just need some type of work that will allow me to make a decent living.  At the time my good friend suggested we get into business together.  This seemed like a great plan.  My wife at the time hesitantly agreed to join us with her accounting experience.  It did in fact work out decently well however I wasn’t particularly passionate about the industry I became involved with.  Hence this new venture: IDYeah!  This is about projects and ideas that I intentionally choose and Am Passionate about!  It could really be anything as long as it aligns with my morals and guiding principles.

So what drives me?  What gets me up in the morning?  I am passionate about creativity, particularly having an interesting idea then developing it progressively into a finished product.  I enjoy freedom and being my own boss.  My physical, mental, emotion and spiritual health comes first, this is my foundation.  To this end I practice regular meditation, hot yoga and enjoy mental challenges.  I believe consciousness is primary, everything comes from this, it precedes existence; it is the unnameable "isness."  I love being in nature.  I care about our Mother Earth, the environment; I make choices to minimize my impact on her.  I live to love, especially those closest to me.  Cooking and meals with family are precious to me.  Traveling, day trips, walks, chats and bike rides with my sweetie are some of this life’s most precious activities; I hold these memories dear to my heart.  Enjoying this beautiful present.  Anticipating what’s next keeps me going.

I am located in the San Francisco Bay Area.  My studio is located near San Pablo, CA.

Thank you for your interest in my story.  I hope one or more of my products will appeal to you.  I hope they will in some way benefit you and enrich your life.

Wishing you good health and well being!

Love and Light,
